1. London Rugby Lodge raises over £20,000 in one night


  3. In April 2022, 15 Brethren had joined the struggling St Mark’s Lodge No 857, with the intention of transforming it into a rugby Lodge forLondon. Just 17 months later, with a change of name approved by Grand Lodge, Saturday 2nd September 2023 saw London RugbyLodge No 857 announce its arrival by hosting rugby-loving Freemasons from far and wide at a meeting in the Grand Temple.


  5. The MW Pro Grand Master, Jonathan Spence, was guest of honour and, in spite of a national rail strike, some 700 Brethren werein the temple to see the Initiation of Dick Best, erstwhile coach of the England national rugby team and Director of Rugby at London Irish. 620 dined afterwards at the Grand Connaught Rooms.Groups came from rugby-loving places as far afield as Guernsey and Alderney, Wales, Wigan, Leicestershire and Derbyshire to name but afew. Nineteen Brethren even came from Macedonia, led by the Grand Master of Macedonia, who had come over to experience a meeting in the Grand Temple. The Master of the Lodge, W Bro Michael Todd, Assistant Metropolitan Grand Master, and his officers conducted an excellent ceremony, with two of the youngest Brethren, both Lewises, taking important roles.


  7. A unique experience for all.The Pro Grand Master was presented with a copy of the Constitution of the Association of Rugby Lodges, which had been formally signed by representatives of seventeen Rugby Lodges across the country in a lunchtime meeting in the Hercules Pillars, hosted by the owner and London Rugby Lodge member W Bro Keith Knowles.The Festive Board continued the rugby theme, with many Brethren wearing their Lodge or club blazers, caps or waistcoats, fines being imposed for various ‘offences’ such as drinking with the wrong hand, using phones, pointing and any other excuse that could be found. The star prize in the raffle was a pair of tickets to the Rugby World Cup Final in Paris with two nights accommodation, generously donated by Keith, who also serves as the Lodge Charity Steward. The charity donations, raffle and fines raised a total of £22,000 on the night, all of which goes towards the Lodge target of £100,000 to supportjunior and youth rugby in deprived areas of London.






  2. Armament Lodge 50 year certificate


  4. By the end of 2020, W Bro Norman Walters, Honorary Member of Armament Lodge and Armament Chapter No 3898 was entitled to receive a 50 Year Long Service Certificate in both the Craft and the Royal Arch. Due to his being physically unable to attend Masonic meetings in London, on behalf of both the Lodge and Chapter, W Bro Tony Shepherd, Metropolitan Grand Inspector attended a meeting of Lodge of Unity No 32, in Ringwood, Hampshire on the 12th September belatedly to present W Bro Norman with his certificates. W Bro Norman lives in Ringwood and regularly attends Lodge of Unity as a member. W Bro Tony was asked to convey Norman’s best wishes to his London Masonic family.


  2. Help Bro Matt break a world record


  4. To raise money for London’s Air Ambulance Charity’s Up Against Timea appeal, W Bro Matt Wood (a member of the Lodge of HonorandGenerosity No 165, Pathfinder Lodge No 7725 and Chapter of Reunion No 5618) is attempting to secure the Guinness World Record forthe‘fastest time to run a marathon in a 3D aircraft’. “It all started when our workplace, Millwood Servicing, chose London’s Air Ambulance Charity to be their charity for the next three years,” said Bro Matt.“We’re a London-based organisation and most of our staff live and socialise in the area. A few people in the team had first-hand experiences of the air ambulance too, so it was a nice fit. ”Bro Matt and Millwood have committed to raise money for London’s Air Ambulance Charity (LAAC) from 2023 until 2026. The funds raised in the first year will contribute to LAAC’s Up Against Time appeal, as they need to raise an additional £15 million by Autumn 2024 in orderto replace LAAC’s aging helicopter fleet. To kickstart their fundraising, Bro Matt has signed up to run the London Marathon in a 3D model of an LAAC helicopter.“We wanted it to be more sensational than just running the marathon, and going for the Guinness World Record does that. We’re hoping it will get the charity a lot more exposure too.”The current Guinness World Record for the fastest time to run a marathon in a 3D aircraft (yes, this record does already exist) is four hours and three minutes.



    “That was an incredible effort,” said Bro Matt. “I’m going to aim to make it in three hours and 45 minutes, but the most important thing is getting exposure for the charity.” To amplify the fundraising, sponsors were found for the model–known as #HugotheHelo–who have each committed to raising £5,000 during the year, in return for their logos being displayed on Hugo’s bodywork. But the London Marathon is only the end of a much longer road. To spread awareness of this life-saving charity, gain publicity for thesponsors and help Londoners become more familiar with Hugo, Bro Matt has signed up to 46 running events before March 2024.By the time you read this, Bro Matt and Hugo will have made appearances at several 5K and 10K events, including the Chase The Sunseries in parks across London. Upcoming, you can also find him at several more, including:• 9December: Battersea Park Half Marathon•20December: Chase the Moon, Battersea Park10k•13January: Chase the Sun, QueenElizabeth Park5k• 14February: Chase the Moon, Olympic Park• 3March: High Performance, Olympic Park• 27March: Chase the Moon, Battersea Park• 10April: Chase the Sun, Olympic Park “There is a tremendous footfall of people at these events”,says Bro Matt,“and we hope they’ll all see Hugo; gaining exposure for the charity, sponsors, costume and campaign. There’s a QR code on the side of him if anyone wants to make a donation when they see us too”.“It’s also an opportunity for me to get used to the running technique needed when I’m inside the model. It’s a little restrictive! ”In this first year of three, Bro Matt hopes to raise an outstanding £60,000–if you spot Matt and Hugo in the capital, please share on social media and help #HugotheHelo reach more Londoners.

  3. Presentation of 50 Years Certificate to W Bro Alan Toms PAGStB
  5. On 16th September 2023, the Nile Valley Lodge No 6306 presented a certificate to W Bro Alan Toms PAGStB, LGR commemorating his 50 years’ service to Freemasonry. The certificate was signed by the Metropolitan Grand Master, Sir Michael Snyder. W Bro Toms was Initiated in July 1969 into the Nile Valley Lodge No 6306; and was appointed to his first office on the same day–as one ofthe auditors of the Lodge accounts. He became Master in September 1977. Since going through the Chair, he has served at various times as Treasurer, Secretary and Chaplain of the Lodge.His final office was a full circle-as auditor-and he was later made an Honorary member of the Lodge. In 2014, he withdrew from active participation in the Lodge when he retired from gainful employment, as he was then mostly out of the country when the Lodge met. Hisson Neal was initiated into Freemasonry in 2020.Both Neal and his brother, Cheren Toms, alongside W Bro Mike Sharp, LGR (also a former member of Nile Valley) were among the 31brethren at the meeting commemorating his 50 years of service. The meeting was also graced with the presence of 4 Grand Officers,including W Bro Andrew Dobson PAGReg, a former Visiting Officer, and W Bro Ivan Carrol PAGDC, PDepDistGM (Sierra Leone). All honorary members of the Lodge were also present.The 50 Year Certificate was presented by W Bro Howard Bebar PAGDC, another honorary member. He explained the history and significance of the Certificate. The Secretary, W Bro Toks Taylor SLGR, who worked for a number of years with W Bro Toms in the Lodge, gave a summary of Alan’s Masonic activities at the festive board.
  7. Three Distinctions for Con Amore
  8. By W Bro Michael Duque
  10. The distinction of Honorary Member has been given to W Bro Kenneth Paul Smith, W Bro Paul Reed and W Bro Jeffrey Klipp of ConAmore Lodge No 3633. Having been initiated in 1980, Bro Ken has served the Lodge for more than 43 years with merit and excellence. Since becoming a Master Mason, Bro Ken has barely ever missed a meeting or LOI. He was also instrumental in reviving the Lodge Ladies’ Night where he has raised a substantial amount for charity. Since then, Ladies’ Nights have always been a big part of the Lodge. As Charity Steward, Ken managed to successfully encourage Lodge members to contribute freely to its charitable projects. Even when not in any active office, he continued to make significant contributions to the Lodge in various ways either in ideas, finances, activities, or support. He is also is an active member of two Lodges in Cambridge where he also dedicates his time and effort. He was also a founding member of Beaumont Lodge No 1739 in France but has since resigned when UGLE severed ties with with that particular French Grand body.

    As ritualists, Bros Paul and Jeffrey are willing volunteers to help in various parts of the Lodge working or ritual, even when not in any active office. Theynever made new members feel out of place, constantly offering brotherly love and camaraderie.


  1. Born of Fire: Junior Engineers Dedicate New Banner
  3. April 29th, 2023 was a most memorable date for the Junior Engineers Lodge No 2913. 121 years and one day from the Lodge’s consecration, the regular Lodge meeting at Freemasons’Hall featured the dedication of a new banner. Held in the elegant Temple 10, the meeting was attended by senior Brethren from Metropolitan Grand Lodge, the Brethren of Junior Engineers Lodge and notable guests and visitors, including representatives from Junior Engineers Chapter No 2913 and Evening Star Lodge No 1719,recognising its position as the Mother Lodge of Junior Engineers. Worshipful Master, Brother Grahame Walker, was very pleased to welcome RW Bro Matthew Hampson PJGW (PGSwdB), DepMetGM, accompanied by a dedication party from Metropolitan Grand Lodge comprising Escorting Officer W Bro Tim Spriggs, W Bro Revd. Canon Andrew Stevens MetAGChap and Metropolitan Grand Stewards W Bro Alberto Revelli and W Bro Mark Patrick. The Lodge’s Visiting Officer,W Bro John Berry SLGR completed the official contingent.The new banner was paraded into the Lodge room, initially covered from sight, by the youngest Brother in the Lodge, Bro Jacob Brown,aged 23, before being ceremonially revealed to the Brethren in its full glory. Bro Revd. Andrew, of Evening Star Lodge No 1719, gave anoration in which he included a detailed explanation of the banner’s symbolism, its historic significance relating to the founding of the lodge in 1902, and the connection with Evening Star Lodge. He highlighted the banner’s simple but stunning design, which features Vulcan, the Roman God of fire.This recognises the link to“The Vulcanic Society” which was established in 1884, eventually becoming The Junior Engineering Society and leading to the formation of the Junior Engineers Lodge. Vulcan can also be seen on all the Lodge Jewels. After photos with the banner, a splendid Festive Board was held at the Royal National Hotel, during which the Secretary of Evening Star Lodge No 1719, W Bro Charlie Griffin, made presentations to the Master of Junior Engineers Lodge to rekindle the connection lost overthe years. The dedication party were all presented with copies of the Lodge History as a memento of the day. All Brethren present also had a personal menu card incorporating a brief history of the Junior Engineers Lodge, a keepsake of a day which will be remembered byall.
  5. Blood Brothers–Tim makes it to 50
  7. These pages frequently honour the long service of those brethren marking 50 years in the Craft but one Brother was recently pleased tobe marking a different 50th.W Bro Tim Walford-Fitzgerald SLGR, of Bow Lodge No 7751 and Metropolitan Grand Stewards’Lodge No 9812, recently reached themilestone of having donated 50 units of blood-qualifying him for a Gold Award.W Bro Tim said“I have donated blood for years, always seeing the value in it, but it became more personal when one of the Companionsin my Royal Arch Chapter needed regular blood transfusions for a medical condition. And it came even closer to home when my wifeneeded to be given blood to allow chemotherapy treatment for cancer to continue.“I think everyone knows that blood is needed in trauma cases and for some surgery, but it is also vital for many other uses as well, fromalleviating symptoms in palliative care through to research and the development of new therapies.“Reaching the Gold Award means a lot to me, and it felt right to mark this milestone at Freemasons’ Hall.”Blood stocks dropped very low towards the end of 2022, leading to operations being cancelled and prolonging the wait for patientsalready suffering the consequences of Covid or other disruptions in the NHS.It is very easyto donate, with 25 permanent centres around the UK as well as the more traditional community venues hosting regularsessions. Waiting times are kept to a minimum through an appointment system. It only takes about an hour, often less, and theblooddonatedreally does save lives. To find out more,
  9. The Circuit of Service Lodges supports SSAFA on Armed Forces Day
  11. A team from the Circuit of Service Lodges (CoSL) has raised almost £10,000 for SSAFA, the Armed Forces Charity, at their recentsummer fundraising event. CoSL’s contribution represents more than 10% of the overall £90,000 raised on the day, part of a series ofArmed Forces Day events held throughout the country on the 24th June.



    On one of the hottest days of the Summer so far, with temperatures reaching 30°, the CoSL team consisting of 26 Freemasons alongsidetheir families and friends took part in the 13 Bridges Challenge. This fundraising walk, spanning over 10 miles, involved crossing all of theiconic bridges over the river Thames, starting at Tower bridge and ending at Battersea bridge.The Circuit’s entry into the Challenge was the brainchild of W Bro Justin Pitt of Royal Naval Lodge No 59. Bro Justin, who is recovering from recent neurosurgery, explained:“This was a big personal challenge for me, having not walked such a long distance since mysurgery; but I was keen be involved and complete the course”.He added:“I initially had modest expectations of attracting a few Masonicfriends and raising a couple of hundred pounds, but the momentum quickly grew after an email of‘call-to-action’to the Circuit of ServiceLodges, and before I knew it, we had a large team.”Metropolitan Grand Secretary, W Bro Matthew Christmas, who walked alongside Justin for every step of the 10-mile circuit commented:“Over 60 people sponsored me, as did one of my London Lodges, for which I am hugely grateful. The CoSL fundraising effort wasmagnificent, I was so chuffed to be part of the team.”The CoSL team comprised a wide variety of ages, abilities and motivations. And wewere proud to have the youngest participant of the whole event: Kushi Bullivant aged 6, son of Bro Mike Bullivant of Middlesex ImperialYeomanry Lodge No 3013. Kushi completed the whole course without any difficulty and was very proud to collect his finishers’medal atthe end of the challenge.

  3. The money raised by SSAFA ( enables the charity to provide a trusted source of practical, emotional, and financialsupport for serving personnel, veterans and their families in their time of need. In 2021, their trained teams of employees and volunteershelped more than 66,000 people; from WWII veterans to those who are serving or have served in more recent conflicts. The charity helpsindividuals and their families through issues of isolation, bereavement and financial distress; providing specialist housing support,mentoring and many other services.The Circuit of Service Lodges comprises 52 lodges and many individual members. Formed in 1993, it exists to promote comradeship andfraternal contact between military Masons. Member Lodges have a distinct military link, ethos and traditions typically from a predominance of servicemen or veterans in their ranks; though many member Lodges are open to non-service members. It hasan attached Past Masters Lodge, Victoria Rifles No 822, which meets twice annually at Duke Street. The Circuit participates as a platoon in the annual march past the Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday, undertakes a battlefield tour most years and also holds occasional social and otherevents.
  5. Information including eligibility criteria for Lodge or individual membership of the Circuit can be found at


  1. 50 years for W Bro Mike Osborne
  3. Many congratulations to W Bro Mike Osborne of Islington Lodge No 1471, who on 18th October was presented with a 50 Year LongService Certificate by Metropolitan Grand Inspector W Bro Martin Vidler, PJGD. All of Islington Lodge and their Master, W BroDaveBartlett, were delighted to host Bro Martin and his Stewards to celebrate this personal milestone and wish Mike many more happyyears inFreemasonry.
  5. Two progress, one retreats at Lodge of Mercy
  7. The Lodge of Mercy No6821’s 297th Regular Meeting, held on Thursday 19th October at Freemasons’Hall, was both happy and at thesame time tinged with a little sadness.The Passing of two Brethren to the Degree of Fellowcraft was conducted in a sincere and happy manner enjoyed by all present.It was adelight to haveour Senior Visiting Officer, W Bro John Smith PGStB in attendance, yet sad that it was to be his last visit as our SVO. Bro Johnhas been an excellent guide and supporter of the Lodge, and his wise words and friendship have been enjoyed and appreciated byall theBrethren. We wish him every success in his new role as an Metropolitan Assistant Grand Inspector and hope that he will find the time in hisbusy schedule to visit us on occasion.
  9. A family affair
  11. In April 2023, at Kingsland Lodge No 1693, Aaran John Fronda was initiated by his grandfather, W Bro Frank Fronda SLGR. The meeting washeld at Mark Masons’ Hall in the Grand Temple, which hosted numerous Brethren of note, including RW Bro Jonathan Whinpenny PPGM(West Kent), W Bros Derek Silver PGSwdBand former AMetGM, David Wilkinson PGSwdB and former AMetGM, John Peters and ChrisBurgess, former MetGInsps, and members of the MMH 86 Association of Craft Lodges. They were treated to a wonderful ceremony carriedout with great sincerity and skill by reigning Master, W Bro Frank.

    W Bro Frank also delivered the First Degree Charge after Initiation. The First Degree Tracing Board was expertly presented to Aaran byFrank’s brother, W Bro Alec Fronda, and Alec also acted as Junior Deacon for Aaran’s Initiation Ceremony. Frank writes,“Aaran is 35 years old and lives and works in London as an editor and financial journalist. I am so proud of him. I have been a Freemason for 50 years on 9th April 2024 in the same Kingsland Lodge, and it is a joy to maintain the family connection for another generation.”Since his Initiation, Aaran has written to the Lodge Secretary to express his thanks, in a letter which expresses everything that Freemasonry should encompass–we are proud to include a short excerpt here: “Perhaps what fills me with the greatest sense of pride and responsibility is that my grandfather chose to entrust me with the legacy ofFreemasonry. He believed in my capacity to uphold the principles and values that have been passed down through generations. It is a rare and cherished privilege that I hold dear to my heart. As I embark on this remarkable journey, I am fully aware of the rarity and uniqueness of being initiated by my grandfather into this brotherhood. I am, therefore, committed to honouring my grandfather by living by the Masonic ideals and contributing to the betterment of society.The evening of the initiation ceremony will forever be etched in my memory as a truly enlightening and uplifting experience.The atmosphere within the Lodge was one of profound solemnity, brotherhood, and respect for tradition. As I was guided through the various stages of the ceremony, I couldn’t help but be moved by the symbolism and rich history that surrounded me. ”Aaran is the fourth Generation of the Frondas to be initiated into Kingsland Lodge and was initiated exactly 40 years to the day since WBro Frank Initiated his brother Alec, Aaran’s Uncle. We wish him great success in the Craft.

  14. Londinium 4208 Centenary
  16. On Monday 2nd October 2023, Londinium Lodge No 4208 celebrated its centenary in the West Crypt of the Guildhall.The Lodge was honoured by the presence of RW Bro Matt Hampson, Deputy Metropolitan Grand Master, and a retinue of Metropolitan Grand Officers, including W Bros Tudor Morgan, the Metropolitan Assistant Grand Secretary, W Bro John Morrison, Metropolitan Assistant Grand Chaplain, W Bro Derek Morley the Lodge’s Metropolitan Grand Inspector, and W Bro Stephen Turner, a Metropolitan Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies. Following the presentation of the Warrant, W Bro Morrison provided a wonderful oration, which was followed by a brief history of theLodge, outlined by W Bro Chris Wheeler. Londinium Lodge was founded on Thursday 26th May 1921 to serve the ‘professional, administrative, and clerical staff’ of the Guildhall, of whom there were some 400 at the time. It was sponsored by Guildhall Lodge No 3116.The Charity Steward then gave the Deputy Metropolitan Grand Master £2000 toward the London’s Air Ambulance Appeal on behalf ofthe Lodge. 
  18. Amen to the Airmen!
  20. Many congratulations to the Royal Air Force Lodge No 7335 on a truly generous donation of £25,000 in support of the London’s Air Ambulance appeal.W Bro Nick Goodwyn SLGR writes, “As a member of the Royal Air Force Lodge and a London Freemason, but also as a Trustee of London’s Air Ambulance Charity, I am incredibly humbled and proud to be supporting the Up Against Time appeal for two new Airbus helicopters to replace, by necessity, the ageing existing ones operated by the LAA. The RAF Lodge donation of £25,000 is an outstanding achievement and highlights the affinity of our Lodge to aviation and to supporting the Metropolitan Grand Lodge appealinitiative. We all can make such a difference and save lives in London. ”Jonathan Jenkins, CEO of London’s Air Ambulance Charity adds some more colour to what we are all trying to achieve:“Thank you forawarding an incredible £25,000 donation to our Appeal. I am humbled and immensely grateful for your support. The helicopter model we have at the moment, the MD-902, is a brilliant, capable aircraft. It works really well for London. However, our fleet is more than 20 years old now and the MD902 model is in decline worldwide. It’s just getting harder and more expensive to service our fleet and find spare parts. As we speak, one of our helicopters is flying to Belgium for its annual maintenance, as we are unable to service it here in the UK. “Without our helicopters we simply cannot reach our patients in time to save them. But because of London Freemasons’exceptional support, two new helicopters will take to the skies this time next year: ready to save lives, provide cutting-edge emergency care, and respond to critical situations in our great city. ”As a token of his thanks (and undoubtedly of interest to the RAF Lodge’s aviation enthusiasts), Jenkins invited members of the RAF Lodge to visit LAA’s helipad operation.
  22. Ethical Lodge supports bereaved parents
  24. Ethical Lodge No 753 held its Installation meeting on 27th September 2023, and was treated to a guest speaker, Donna Wyman, a trustee for the Aching Arms Charity. Ethical Lodge has already raised £2000 for the charity, and the IPM, W Bro Mark Tull, thought it would be instructive for the members and guests to learn how their generous donations were being used. Aching Arms is a charity that gives comfort bears to hospitals and hospices in order for midwives and nurses to pass them on to bereaved parents in their care. The bears are the first token of a broader support service to parents after a loss during pregnancy, at birth, or soon after.As well as giving out the bears through professional health partners, they donate bears to other organisations who support familiesafter baby loss at any stage of pregnancy. They currently work with over 170 hospitals in the UK, as well as an increasing number ofhospices, support groups and funeral directors.There are an enormous number of families affected by the loss of a baby including those who face infertility after a loss, and/or loss after successful fertility treatment. Aching Arms, which began as a small grassroots charity, has seen demand for its service double in the last 12 months. Last year it donated over 5,000 bears to bereaved families. Says Bro Mark,“After the very emotive talk, what struck me was how many people in the room had been affected-almost everyone to some degree or another. ”Donnajoined the brethren for the Festive Board but made her polite excuses and retired before the formal toasts.
  26. Into the Chair at 82 years young!
  28. Storm Babet couldn’t stop Pathfinder Lodge No 7255 installing Bro Howard Cole as their Worshipful Master for the ensuing year. Bro Howardbecame a Freemason in 1984 whilst serving in HM Forces in Germany, though never installed in the Chair. In this new adventure, he isproudly supported by all the members of Pathfinder Lodge that fought the weather to attend.
  30. The Four Forbes
  32. On Thursday 5th October, Mr David Forbes was initiated into New Garden Lodge No 7804 by the WM, his youngest son W Bro ZakForbes. His other two sons, Lodge members Bros Gideon & Joel, acted as Junior Deacon and Inner Guard respectively during theInitiation. They also delivered the Charge After Initiation and First Degree Tracing Board making it a‘Four Forbes’roadshow–much to thedelight of the Brethren.The Forbes started their Masonic journey in 2013 with Bro Joel (eldest son) becoming the first to join; closely followed by Bro Gideon(middle) in 2015 and Zak in 2016. Each has steadily progressed within the Lodge, with Zak being the first to the Chair. At his initialinterview, Bro David said he became more and more interested as his three sons progressed through Freemasonry; to the point that he thought he should be a part of their enjoyment. The New Garden Lodge is in its 61st year and has seen many sons and fathers join over the years. It is very proud have four members of the same family amongst its membership: a true reflection of the Lodge’s family atmosphere.
  34. 50 Years for W Bro Chris Stoneham SLGR
  36. It was a full agenda at the Old Foresters’Lodge No 7726 meeting on 13 October 2023 at Freemasons’Hall. Metropolitan Grand InspectorW Bro Russell Sollof PSGD, accompanied by his Escorting Officer and two Metropolitan Grand Stewards, presented a“50YearsinFreemasonry”Certificate to W Bro Chris Stoneham SLGR. We also Initiated Bro Hitesh Patel and welcomed two Joining Members–WBro James Sanderson SLGR and W Bro David Carroll. A most enjoyable meeting finished with an excellent Festive Board at theDoubletree by Hilton on Southampton Row.

    50 unbroken years for W Bro Harris!

  39. It was a very special day for W Bro Richard Harris, PAGDC of St. Luke’s Lodge No 144, one of the oldest still active Lodges in the UK,who received his 50th Year Certificate fromW Bro Kieron Mallon, PSGD, MetGInsp. During the presentation it was noted that he hadnever missed a single St. Luke’s meeting in all that time. This is a fantastic achievement and a double reason to celebrate Bro Richard’sstalwart contribution to the Craft.
  41. United Arts Rifles (UAR) Lodge: Brazil welcomes the world
  43. The stars seem to have aligned for the United Arts Rifles (UAR) Lodge No 3817, the Brazilian Lodge, for their meeting took place onSaturday 24th June 2023, the 306th birthday of UGLE and during the tercentenary year of the publication of Anderson’s Constitutions: the “History, Charges, Regulations etc. of that most Ancient and Right Worshipful Fraternity”. These milestones were the perfect excuse for afull house to witness a triple Raising ceremony. Indeed, the Lodge was privileged to welcome a large contingent of Freemasonsrepresenting several Foreign Grand Lodges, such as France (GLNF), Portugal (GLLP), Brazil (GOB), Romania (MLNR), and the UnitedStates (GL of Florida), as well as friendsfrom two Anglo-Foreign Lodge Association (AFLA) Lodges. Our French contingent came in for a full weekend, where they visited the Emulation Lodge of Improvement on Friday night, attended ameeting at Filia Unitatis Chapter No 4658 (a double exaltation: one French candidate and the other from the Brazilian Lodge) on Saturday morning and then the Triple Raising at UAR in the afternoon; culminating in the now signature Festive Board of the Brazilian Lodge: an all-you-can-eat meat feast, with many visitors promising to visit again! Brethren are welcome to join
  45. A busy meeting for West Smithfield Lodge No 1623
  47. W Bro David Lawrence, PAGDCThe members and visitors of West Smithfield Lodge No 1623 gathered at Freemasons’Hall onThursday 21st September 2023 for a veryspecial meeting.Two Brethren, Bros Vinay Gulati and Vladislav Shapovalov were Passed to the 2nd Degree in an excellent fashion by the WorshipfulMaster, W Bro Russell Kinson.Then the Guest of Honour, W Bro Gary Moss PJGD, MetGInsp, presented W Bro Suresh Gupta SLGR with a 50 year Certificate. Duringthe presentation, Bro Suresh regaled those present with tales of his journey to the UK from his native India when he was a young man;and his experiences making his wayin life in this country. All those present were honoured to witness it and were moved by his excellentresponse.Bro Gary was escorted by W Bro Kuldeep Singh SLGR, MetSGD, and accompanied by two Metropolitan Grand Stewards, W Bros JackBurgess and Tom Currie.During the meeting, the Lodge also presented Bro Gary with a cheque for £5,000 towards the London’s Air Ambulance Appeal.After the meeting the Brethren retired to the Thistle Hotel, Bloomsbury for an excellent Festive Board.
  49. Fuel and Fire: Formula 1 and Rugby Lodges collide
  51. Mon 18th September marked a significant and memorable occasion as Brethren from Formula One Lodge No 4168 ( to Sittingbourne, Kent to attend a meeting of the Spirit of Rugby Lodge No 9922. Spirit of Rugby hadgraciously agreed to hostthe passing of Bro Carlo Trevison. This unique meeting was brought to fruition thanks to the Formula One Lodge’s hectic schedule and ashared connection, W Bro Terry Hall, who holds the position of Director of Ceremonies in bothLodges.Spirit of Rugby Lodge, born in 2016, has experienced a remarkable journey, infusing various rugby-themed customs and traditions into itsMasonic activities. From adopting rugby hats during the festive board to substituting gavels with referee’s whistles and marking the departureof visitors and guests with a rugby line-out, the Lodge has established a distinct identity of its own. A lively raffle contributes to the overallcamaraderie.In the spirit of fraternity, Formula One Lodge proudly showcased their newly acquired baseball caps, embracing their unique blend of motorsport and Masonry. The evening was marked by a splendid ceremony, and the harmony that resonated between these two Lodges exemplified their commitment to enriching the Masonic experience.

    Their dedication to preserving Masonic traditions while infusing them with their own distinctive character makes them shiningexampleswithin the fraternity. It was a night that will be remembered with pride, a testament to the enduring spirit of Freemasonry in all its diverseforms.

  54. Donation from the "Hakuna Matata" East And Central Africa Lodge
  56. The 28 members of the East and Central Africa Lodge No 7446 rose to the challenge to raise £25,000 for the London’s AirAmbulance appeal. When this target was first put forward, there was some concern. However, the “Hakuna Matata” spirit of theLodge quickly kicked in, and every member led by example in their contributions. The Master of the Lodge, W Bro Minesh Patel,alsoexpressed his gratitude to the Metropolitan Grand Master for awarding the Lodge with the Gold Star Award. The Lodge would like torecognise the immense efforts of W Bro Dilip B. Patel, SLGR in reaching this goal. Being a member of the Commonwealth Lodges Association, the Lodge is fully supportive of their initiative for “School in the Box” and has already started fundraising for this veryworthy cause. The members were honoured to present a cheque to the Chairman of the London Freemasons Charity, W Bro StrattonRichey PDepGSwdB, on 6 November 2023. The “Hakuna Matata” Lodge wishes also to thank their Lodge Inspector, W Bro ScottSimpson, PSGD, for his guidance, support and attendance at the Lodge meeting.
  58. Assembly Lodge 50 year certificate
  60. At a special meeting of Assembly Lodge No 4357 On 21st October at Mark Masons’Hall, W Bro David Green, PGStB, was presented with a 50 Year London Service Certificate by Metropolitan Grand Inspector, Tony Shepherd. At the conclusion of the meeting, friends andfamily of W Bro David, and the rest of the Lodge members, were invited into the temple to witness the presentation. A wonderful WhiteTable dinner was then enjoyed by all present, at Mark Masons’Hall, and W Bro David kindly shared a photo of a beautifully embroideredcoaster, presented to him by his wife Sue on the 13th October, the actual 50th celebration day, which was the perfect end to a veryspecial day.


  1. Hope Lodge
  3. On 15th September at Freemasons’ Hall, VW Bro Jonathan Hillman, Assistant Metropolitan Grand Master, visited Lodge of Hope No7152 topresent a 60 Year London Service Certificate to W Bro Sydney Hyams PGStB. As part of a wonderful afternoon, Metropolitan Grand Inspector WBro Glen McDonald presented Bro Lionel Green with his Grand Lodge Certificate. A hugely enjoyable Festive Board was then transacted at theGrand Connaught Rooms.


  1. Temple Lodge
  3. On the 13th of October, Temple Lodge at Jerusalem No 4611 met at Freemasons’ Hall and at the conclusion of a short meeting, invited partnersand guests into the temple to receive a brief history of the Lodge (which was consecrated in Jerusalem in 1921) from W Bro John Arlett. A briefexplanation of the different offices and ranks and some of our Masonic traditions were then also conveyed. The highlight of the afternoon was asurprise presentation to W Bro John Arlett of a special lapel pin and a gold pocketwatch to commemorate his 40 years as a Craft Mason. A livelyWhite Table dinner was then enjoyed at the Royal National Hotel, Bedford Square.
  5. Lodge of St James
  7. At the Installation meeting of Lodge of St JamesNo 765, on 19th October, at Freemasons’Hall, W Bro Scott Simpson, Metropolitan GrandInspector, was Installed as Worshipful Master and a sumptuous celebratory dinner, at the National Liberal Club, Whitehall followed. Lodgeof St James is London’s premier Golf Lodge.


This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 53 December 2023 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons – Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.

Read more articles in the Arena Issue 53 here.