Installation of the Fourth Met Grand Master/Superintendent

The 13th May 2024 was a momentous day in the history of London Freemasonry, for it was the day of the Installation of the new Metropolitan Grand Master/Superintendent; only the fourth time this has happened since the formation of Metropolitan Grand Lodge/Chapter in 2003.

W Bro Trevor Koschalka reports


The scene was set for the Royal Arch segment when the assembled Companions waited for the entry of the Most Excellent Pro First Grand Principal, Jonathan Spence, accompanied by the Second and Third Grand Principals and other Grand Officers, into the Temple. After they had opened the Chapter, it was reported that Excellent Companion Warren Duke, Metropolitan Grand Superintendent Designate, was outside. He entered the Chapter and was duly installed as Metropolitan Grand Superintendent.

Excellent Companion Duke then addressed the assembled Convocation. He started by thanking the Pro First Grand Principal and the team from Supreme Grand Chapter for installing him. He also thanked the many Companions present for attending. He said that he looked forward to working with both the First and Second Grand Principals as well as with the Deputy Metropolitan Superintendent, the Rev. Timothy L’Estrange and the whole Metropolitan team.

Addressing the Pro First Grand Principal, he noted that we all very much embrace the ‘One Organisation’ strategy: Metropolitan has enjoyed a ‘Team Violet’ approach for a good number of years, with Craft and Royal Arch working together; and that he looked forward to developing that approach further in all that we do. He said that we must continue to create an environment in London where every Craft Mason can make an informed decision as to when it is the right time for them to seek Exaltation.

The Metropolitan Grand Chapter was then closed, and the Pro First Grand Principal and Metropolitan Grand Superintendent retired in procession.

After a short break while the Grand Temple was reset, it was reopened, and a large number of Brethren awaited with anticipation the next part of the day. After the customary welcome from the Grand Director of Ceremonies, the stage was set and a number of processions made their way into the Grand Temple. 

The Metropolitan Grand Lodge was then opened by RW Bro Matthew Hampson, the Deputy Metropolitan Grand Master in Charge. After a short while, the assembled Brethren were informed that the MW Pro Grand Master, Jonathan Spence, was outside and demanded admission. He was duly admitted and Bro Hampson vacated the Chair in his favour. The Senior Warden’s Chair was taken by RW Bro Sir Michael Snyder, the new Deputy Grand Master and latterly Metropolitan Grand Master. 

The Metropolitan Grand Master designate, RW Bro Warren Duke then entered the Temple and was installed as Metropolitan Grand Master. He reappointed Christopher Hayward and Matthew Hampson as Deputy Metropolitan Grand Masters and appointed Julian Soper as a Deputy Metropolitan Grand Master. All of the remaining Assistant Metropolitan Grand Masters were reappointed; and Gus Machado was appointed as an Assistant Metropolitan Grand Master. Finally, all of the Metropolitan Grand Inspectors were reappointed and W Bro David Siebler appointed as a Metropolitan Grand Inspector.

The Pro Grand Master addressed the Brethren, noting that RW Bro Duke had been appointed as the fourth Metropolitan Grand Master and that he was sure that he would bring his own style to the role. He said that all Metropolitan Grand Masters are given time to run things in their own way and that he was sure that Warren would certainly do so as his three predecessors had.

The new Metropolitan Grand Master then spoke. He said that he was humbled by the amount of work that had gone into installing him today. He said that he knew he would be ably supported by his three Deputies, as well as by the other Metropolitan Rulers, Officers of the year and the many committed volunteers. He thanked the many Members from other Provinces as well as Heads of Orders and the significant number of Metropolitan Masons who had made the day such a splendid occasion. 

He also noted that he couldn’t continue his address without mentioning two of his predecessors, Sir Michael Snyder, who had kindly acted as Senior Warden and RW Bro Russell Race. “I am sure I am not the only person to find it strange, after eight and a half years, to see you sitting there rather than here”, he said to Sir Michael. Of both Brethren, he said, “I would like to acknowledge the strong organisation that I have inherited from you both, honed under your vision and leadership. We hold you both in the highest regard as men and as Masons.”

Bro Warren then gave a little of his Masonic history. He told the Brethren that he was Initiated into Tregenna Lodge No 1272 as a young man in St. Ives, in Cornwall, following his father, grandfather and great-grandfather: “You could say,
I never had a chance!” 

He added that he moved to London to make his way in the world. “Freemasonry, in this cultural, diverse and amazing city; with all the inevitable ups and downs of life, has been my constant, my rock and above all, where I relax with good friends. I believe Freemasonry complements a busy life, working and living around our capital”, he said.

“So, in short, I believe together, we must ensure two things”, he added. “Firstly, that we continue to serve our members to ensure they enjoy what we do to its full potential while we all embrace the membership challenge. Secondly, given all that it offers, to make Freemasonry accessible to men and women of all ages and backgrounds.”

The Pro Grand Master and the Metropolitan Grand Master then retired in procession.

A drinks reception and dinner was then held in the Grand Connaught Rooms. RW Bro Warren Duke thanked all those who had made this day so special, from MW Bro Jonathan Spence and the team from Grand Lodge/Chapter, to Guy Foster and his group and to Matthew Christmas and the team from the Metropolitan Grand Lodge/Chapter Office. He said that it was also wonderful that so many Inspectorates, other Orders, Lodges and Chapters had got together to share tables.

He concluded by saying, “What lies ahead is continuing to move forward as one organisation; embracing the membership challenge, serving our members faithfully and making sure above all that we enjoy our wonderful hobby!”

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 55 Summer 2024 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons – Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.

Read more articles in the Arena Issue 55 here.