Beyond the Square: artist Bro Aaron Goshine

In this edition of Arena, we caught up Bro Aaron Goshine of Highgate Lodge No 1366. Bro Aaron is a talented artist who creates fascinating pieces of Masonic art, which he auctions for charity.


Born in Jamaica, Aaron had a passion for art from an early age. “As long as I can remember, I have always been drawn to colours and shapes. I enjoyed drawing and crafting during my primary years and became an avid teacher’s assistant for any diagrams or illustrations in class. No wonder I excelled in the art department during my secondary years”, he says. Indeed, Aaron won several national art competitions and had the privilege of being mentored by several renowned artists, including Sir Barrington Watson, Prof. Ralston Milton “Rex” Nettleford, and Tony Wilson, continuing to draw inspiration from them and a long list of other great artists. 

Aaron became a Freemason in 2012 and is currently Senior Warden in Highgate Lodge No 1366. It wasn’t long before Aaron brought his love of Freemasonry and art together. With qualifications in art and mathematics, Aaron finds both intrinsic to Masonic symbology: “My inspiration to create Masonic art comes from the rich symbolism and history associated with Freemasonry. The intricate designs, geometric patterns, and the deeper meanings behind Masonic symbols are all fascinating to explore through art, merging tradition with creativity to produce pieces that reflect the essence of Freemasonry as well the importance Freemasons have placed on the visual arts, tracing boards etc.”

The Gavel

"The Gavel"

As an artist, Aaron has found that the rich symbolism and allegory in Masonic traditions complements his own artistic storytelling and resonates with his own artistic vision. To construct his pieces, Aaron primarily uses watercolour and acrylic on canvas. These allow him to experiment with vibrant colours and different techniques, to create dynamic and expressive pieces. Acrylics, in particular, suits Aaron’s style of layering and texturing. Having created several pieces of Masonic-inspired artwork, Aaron says it is very difficult to have a favourite piece; but does like works that, in particular, deal with the subject of transformation, “as that, for me, is what Freemasonry really represents: knocking off the superfluous bits.”

As well as the satisfaction of creating art, Aaron has been able to put his considerable skill to great use, raising money for charity by auctioning his artwork at Festive Boards. So far, he has raised an estimated £600 over three successful auctions for charity; an amazing achievement. 



He is currently working on a collection to explore the mysteries and allegories of his own journey in Freemasonry. “This theme is deeply fascinating. My next piece will delve into these rich symbols and narratives, aiming to capture their essence and significance. I also spend considerable time studying the visual language of the human form, so I am also producing works that combine both.”

Aaron paints to bring pleasure and wellbeing both to himself and the recipients of his work. A talented artist, we look forward to seeing and sharing more of his work in future.

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This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 55 Summer 2024 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons – Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.

Read more articles in the Arena Issue 55 here.