Brethren and friends, I do hope you have enjoyed a restful and glorious Summer. 

W Bro Nick Saalfeld, Editor


If you’re anything like me, you’ll be coming into Autumn slightly fatter – and I’m delighted to report that your Arena is slightly fatter too! It’s a mark of just how much is going on in London that your news has been coming in thick and fast across the Summer – and we now have a little more space to fulfil our role as London Freemasonry’s publication of record.

In this issue, now that our Metropolitan Grand Master has his feet firmly under the desk at FMH, we were honoured to get some time with him. Please do read this interview – you’ll see just how much the Craft personally matters to Warren and the contribution it has made to his life. One revelation we didn’t get into the article: the role of Met GM ruthlessly steals time. No morning, noon or night is free.

What were Special Interest Lodges (SILs) are now Special Interest Lodges and Chapters (rather pleasingly, SILCs). They continue to be an engine of growth for Freemasonry, and as you have probably guessed, now include Chapters, too. Last year at this time, I tentatively published a list of SILCs – around 12 of them – and promised that we would revisit the list annually. I can’t believe how fast a year has flown by, and I can’t believe how much the SILC initiative has expanded. There are SILCs for innumerable interests, and they are a wonderful adjunct to a Brother’s mother Lodge experience. We are all indebted to John Parry, Met SILC Initiative Lead and Director of Metropolitan Events, for igniting a new spark for so many in the Craft, and you can find the latest list in this issue.

As ever, let me invite you to contribute to Arena. For more information on getting your news into Arena, please scan the QR code on this page. I also regularly ask for comments and feedback on the London Masons Facebook group; and you can always contact me with news about your Lodge or Chapter at . And if you would like to write for Arena, we have a growing team – in this issue I am delighted to welcome W Bro Ketan Jashapara on board.

Thanks for reading, and I wish you much joy as another Masonic year begins.

Sincerely, fraternally,
and always inquisitively,
Nick Saalfeld, Editor

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 55 Summer 2024 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons – Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.

Read more articles in the Arena Issue 55 here.