London Calling: The Anglo Foreign Lodges Association Reunion 2024

The Anglo Foreign Lodges Association (AFLA) is a Masonic Group with the declared objective of uniting the many different foreign speaking Lodges, working together in London, under the English Constitution. The ethos is to contact Lodges abroad, recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), so that relationships can be formed, ideas exchanged and reciprocal visits be made, both in the UK between member Lodges and overseas.

Today, there are fifteen Member Lodges (one being in South Wales) and two Royal Arch Chapters; the latter exemplifying the indissoluble link between Craft and Royal Arch Masonry.

Biennially, an AFLA Member Lodge hosts a Reunion Meeting as the “Banner Lodge”. That Lodge traditionally invites a foreign Lodge (with which it has a relationship), under the auspices of UGLE, to visit the UK and demonstrate a Masonic working from that country; either in its native tongue or in English translation, thus presenting a ceremony as it is performed in its country of origin.

Saturday 15th June 2024 was no exception. The Lodge of Reunion and Fellowship No 5625 were the Banner Lodge, inviting their “Twinning Lodge”, Hiram Lodge Vienna of the Grand Lodge of Austria, to perform an Austrian working of a First Degree ceremony in the English language.

Present as Guest of Honour was RW Bro Warren Duke, Metropolitan Grand Master, accompanied by Grand Lodge of Austria Grand Secretary RW Bro Franz Bauer, a retinue of Grand Officers and Brethren from member and non-member Lodges and Chapters including overseas visitors.

The Hiram Lodge team comprised forty-five attendees supporting the Austrian demonstration team who, once the Lodge was called off, performed a magnificently interesting and informative ceremony in the setting of the Grand Temple at Freemason’s Hall, which will prove a long lasting memory for those present.

The presentation took the form of a Lodge of Instruction, as an initiation ceremony, in full regalia. We witnessed many of the differences between the Austrian Lodge practices and those of the Emulation Lodges here in the UK; these included the arrangement of the Lodge, its implements, positioning of the Lodge Officers and the absence of tracing boards, which were replaced with a “Tapis”: a carpet with Masonic symbols placed in the centre of the Temple.

The Lodge of Reunion and Fellowship and AFLA presented a cheque for £2000 to the Metropolitan Grand Master in support of the London Air Ambulance “Up Against Time” Appeal (this will grow further with the meeting’s Alms collection).

The non-Masons present attended a tour of the Freemasons’ Hall Museum and its public areas before joining the Brethren to receive an Oration on the history of Freemasonry and the Grand Temple by W Bro Kumar Acharya, SLGR, then retiring to the Gallery Suite for a drinks reception.

There followed a “white table” festive board in the magnificent setting of the Grand Temple Vestibule, attended by almost two hundred Masons and their partners, epitomising the spirit of AFLA engaging with so many nationalities.

The splendid festive board was a credit to the Freemasons’ Hall dining team. Our thanks go to them and the FMH logistics team for their cooperation and coordination with the AFLA Board to ensure the event was a success. In addition, we thank the volunteering support teams comprising Metropolitan Grand Lodge, Metropolitan Grand Stewards, The Organist, Orator, Photographers, Sound Engineer, and members of the Lodge of Reunion and Fellowship. And of course, we thank the Hiram Lodge of Vienna, whose hard work and preparation was evident for all to see and ensured the 2024 AFLA Reunion Event was an unforgettable experience.

The Banner Lodge for 2026 will be United Arts Rifles Lodge (the Brazilian Lodge) No 3817.

The Anglo Foreign Lodges Association is happy to receive applications for membership from all Masonic units who have the desire to foster the ethos of AFLA. Those interested (note Commonwealth Lodges have their own Association) should, in the first instance make application by email to the AFLA Secretary Designate, Nick Nicholas

Channel Island Raising

Sarnia Riduna Lodge No 5840 held their bi-annual visit to the Channel Islands on 27th June 2024. It is always a highlight in their calendar – returning to their spiritual homelands; which this time was a visit to Guernsey.

At their emergency meeting, they were able to support their mother lodge, Motherland Lodge No 3861, by raising one of their candidates to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason.

The history of this mother and daughter lodge relationship is that as a Lodge based in London, Motherland Lodge in 1941 sponsored Sarnia Riduna, for displaced Freemasons of the Channel Islands, due to the Second World War and the German Invasion.

On this visit, the Masters of both Lodges, with their respective teams, worked together to enable the Raising of a Motherland Fellowcraft, Bro Allesandro Gentile, in great style. As far as is known, this was the first time such a joint venture had taken place between these two Lodges. The meeting was also attended by RW Bro Keith Read, PGM of Guernsey and Alderney, together with W Bro Simon Hamon, PGDC of Guernsey and Alderney.

After the meeting, the fraternal bonds of friendship were strengthened further by a superb Thai dinner and an exceptional ladies’ festival. For the members of Motherland, together with wives who attended, it was a very enjoyable weekend from arrival on Friday to departure on Sunday. For the members of Sarnia Riduna, it was a wonderful opportunity to welcome their mother lodge and to host an excellent meeting along with the subsequent festivities.

Both Lodges are looking forward to further developing their bonds in the future, as well as the relationship between Metropolitan Grand Lodge and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Guernsey and Alderney.

Photos by W Bro Chandru Gidoomal.

50 Years for W Bro Overman – with egg and beans

At Chingford Masonic Hall, on 20th April, Coburn Lodge No 1804 received a visit from newly appointed Metropolitan Grand Inspector, W Bro Michael Aminzade, escorted by W Bro Stephen Turner, Deputy Metropolitan Grand Director of Ceremonies. W Bro Michael presented a 50 Year Long Service Certificate to W Bro Phillip Overman and witnessed the Installation of Bro Sashi Chauhan as Worshipful Master in the presence of Metropolitan Grand Inspectors, W Bros Ian Burgess, Gary Moss, Tony Shepherd and Martin Vidler. Over 100 hungry members and guests then tucked into their traditional ‘very full English fry up’ for lunch!

Three continents represented at Lodge of Hope

At the Lodge of Hope No 7152, on 14th June 2024 at Freemasons’ Hall, Freemasonry Universal was experienced, as the lodge was visited by W Bro Gary Aarons PGIWkgs, a Grand Officer from Melbourne Australia, a member of Lodge Fraternal No 603 under the Grand Lodge of Victoria; and Bro Spencer Talbot, a Master Mason of William Elkins Lodge No 271, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, USA. Both overseas Brethren were visiting London and wanted to attend a meeting, which was kindly organised by UGLE and Metropolitan Grand Lodge. They witnessed the Initiation of Bro Keith Hayes.

Freemasonry unites for a Grand Organ Recital

W Bro Richard Hime SLGR writes

On 12th June, after Quarterly Communications, a small band of volunteers stewarded the Grand Organ Recital held in the Grand Temple. The Volunteers are all Masons; and this is one of the few events where Lady Masons of the Order of Women Freemasonry and the Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasonry combine with Men’s Freemasonry to promote the Founding Principles. These, as now laid down by the new Council for Freemasonry in England and Wales, have Merit, Tolerance, Diversity and Inclusion at the heart of their purpose.

The ladies were also given a quick tour of Freemasons’ Hall; with a picture taken in Temple 10.

The recital is held after Quarterly Communications and is organised by Charles Grace, holder of the OSM; and this year secured world-renowned Darcy Twinkon as Organist.

The next recital will be after SGC on November 13th, and Charles has achieved another first by securing a Lady Organist as the Principal; Katherine Dienes-Williams, Guildford Cathedral organist and choirmaster. Lady Freemasons on both sides will be invited to assist at these wonderful events.

Masonic stars align for one Family of Masons

At Freemasons’ Hall on Monday 1st July, the Masonic stars aligned for one family who enjoy their Masonry together as members of The Zetland and Hong Kong Lodge No 7665. Over 60 Brethren, including a number of MetGL Rulers gathered to witness W Bro Tony Brown LGR, father of Metropolitan Grand Inspector W Bro Paul Brown PSGD, receive his 60th Long Service Certificate from Assistant Metropolitan Grand Master, VW Bro Jonathan Hillmann PGSwdB. Following a moving presentation from the Assistant Grand Master, W Bro Tony then watched on as his grandson, Bro Michael Brown, in turn received his Grand Lodge Certificate from the Assistant Grand Master. One meeting spanning three generations, where both a grandfather and grandson could share this special moment, made for a memorable occasion for all present. Also in attendance were other family members and close family friends who recalled the founding Master, W Bro Arthur Brown PGStB, great grandfather of Bro Michael Brown, before all retired to partake of a bumper festive board at the Grand Connaught Rooms.

Seventy years for W Bro Harold Kershaw

W Bro Tom Currie PMetGStwd, Secretary, Gray’s Inn Lodge No 4938 writes

Monday 18th March 2024 was a night of great celebration for Gray’s Inn Lodge No 4938. (Then!) Deputy Metropolitan Grand Master RW Bro Warren Duke, accompanied by his Escorting Officer W Bro Dave Wilson and the Lodge’s Metropolitan Grand Inspector W Bro Tony Jacobs, was in attendance to celebrate the long service of the Lodge’s Organist, W Bro Harold Kershaw. Bro Harold was initiated into Gray’s Inn Lodge seventy years ago on 15th March 1954 – when Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister! Bro Warren spoke to Bro Harold about his fascinating life both inside and outside of Freemasonry, before presenting him with a seventieth-year certificate.

The Lodge then performed a double Passing ceremony, with the Lodge’s Mentor, W Bro David Graeme, expertly presenting the extended Working Tools to the candidates; his son, Bro Alastair Graeme, was also brought up to the pedestal to watch the presentation, as he had been Passed to the Second Degree just the week before, in Dover. The Junior Warden, Bro Rasul Sayed, who was initiated into Freemasonry only two years ago, gave an exceptional delivery of the Tracing Board.

After the Lodge was closed, the Brethren were joined by their non-Masonic guests for a drinks reception and White Table dinner in the Gallery Suite of Freemasons’ Hall; among them was MW Bro Maxine Priestley, Past Grand Master of Freemasonry for Women (formerly the Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons). All agreed it had been a wonderful occasion for the Lodge.

Polytechnic Lodge No 2847 Beams Live to São Paulo, Brazil

W Bro Ron Wainer SLGR writes

The Festive Board at the last regular meeting of the Polytechnic Lodge was another first for the Lodge. With the technical help of Brother George Bregasi, we were able to beam the toast to absent Brethren live to our Brother, Wellington Barreto, who recently emigrated back to his home country of Brazil.

This was the first meeting of our Lodge since our much loved Brother Wellington permanently moved back to his homeland in São Paulo, Brazil. Wellington’s friendly and smiling face, together with his ever willingness to step in and help out at our meetings, were sorely missed by the members of the Lodge. It only seemed right and proper to raise a glass to Bro Wellington at the Festive Board, not in his absence but live by video link. We were all delighted to see his face.

Brother Wellington has decided to remain a full subscribing member of the Polytechnic Lodge and hopes one day to return to visit us. The day following the meeting, Brother Wellington wrote, “Good morning Brethren. I am honoured to be part of such a distinct Lodge. I was really flattered to see you go through such lengths to make me still feel part of the Lodge, even from 6000 miles away.”

Life, as well as Freemasonry, is full of hellos and goodbyes. True friends don’t say goodbye, they just take extended leaves of absence from each other. Saying goodbye means nothing – it’s the time we spend together that matters.

A Welcome Project Initiation

On 20th March at Freemasons’ Hall, a Welcome Project meeting was hosted by Old Tonbridgian Lodge No 4145. It was attended by W Bro Scott Simpson, Metropolitan Grand Inspector, who was escorted by W Bro Ade Oladele-Ajose, Metropolitan Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies, together with two Metropolitan Grand Stewards and nine guests from the Welcome Project, who all witnessed the first class Initiation of Mr Philip Dorn.

Life after active office

Back in 2017, Arena 28 published an article on the Metropolitan Grand Lodge Annual Meeting, as we always do. It featured a picture of eight smiling Brethren, newly promoted to the active rank of Escorting Officers. These Officers, until they were promoted, had never met or previously known each other.

Six of them were placed into the escorting ‘Team A’: W Bros Martin Bullard, Phillip Cowen, Stewart Dutton, Chris Starnes, Martin Smith and Martin Vidler.

From that day, a bond of friendship was formed. A “Team A” WhatsApp group was started (with the name soon changed to ‘The A Team’ with the group adopting the logo and theme tune from the 80’s hit TV programme of the same name.

The Brethren have not just remained friends; being in constant contact has helped them to deliver a first class escorting service. It has enabled them to deliver consistency, and to help one another out in what is a high-profile job.

Seven years on from Arena 28, the ‘A Team’ were photographed together again on the 6th March 2024 at the Metropolitan Grand Lodge Annual Meeting, with W Bros Martin Smith and Martin Vidler now holding the rank of Metropolitan Grand Inspector and the other four members having the honour of becoming Metropolitan Assistant Grand Inspectors.

The bond of friendship is stronger than ever, with the members still in regular contact with each other through the WhatsApp group, being members of the same Lodges, and regular social get-togethers.

W Bro Martin Smith, Met GI, recently put a call out to the team when his appointed Escorting Officer fell ill; the call was answered by W Bro Phillip Cowen who said that it was a great honour to step in and help out. Congratulations to the ‘A Team’ on their continued successes and fraternal support.

75 years for Lodge of Mercy

23rd May 2024 was a day of double celebration for the Lodge of Mercy No 6821 when it held its 75th Anniversary Installation meeting at Freemasons’ Hall.

To celebrate 75 years of continuous working, the Lodge’s longest subscribing member, W Bro John Warner, was installed in the Chair of King Solomon. This was doubly cause for joy as Bro John was also celebrating 50 years of active Freemasonry.

The meeting was honoured by the attendance of Metropolitan Grand Inspector, W Bro Paul Brown PSGD GStwd, and his escorting team. Bro Paul presented Bro John with a Certificate marking his 50 years of service to Freemasonry, referring in a heartfelt speech to the personal, career, and Masonic progress of Bro John; emphasising his commitment to his family, businesses, and Freemasonry.

Attendees at the meeting included members of the Lodge’s Mother Lodge, Beneficentia No 5308, who presented the Lodge with an engraved gavel to mark the occasion. Also in attendance were many past and honorary members; and together all enjoyed a convivial Festive Board held in Freemasons’ Hall, at which attendees were presented with a book detailing the Lodge’s 75-year history and commemorative cufflinks to mark the occasion.

Former Met Grand Inspector Installed in style

On the 4th April at Freemasons’ Hall, Mill Hill Lodge No 3574 gathered for the Installation of former Metropolitan Grand Inspector, W Bro Paul Armstrong. In attendance were the Deputy Grand Master, RW Bro David Wootten, former Deputy Metropolitan Grand Master, RW Bro Stephen Fenton, VW Bros Philip Summers, David Wilkinson and Michael Singleton; and three Metropolitan Grand Inspectors, W Bros Nick Critchlow, Tony Shepherd and Martin Vidler. Following a fantastic ceremony, 45 Brethren dined well at the Grand Connaught Rooms.

Halcyon Lodge No 3546 honours W Bro Philip Levy

W Bro Chris Godbold LGR, Treasurer & Assistant Secretary, Halcyon Lodge No 3546 writes

Halcyon Lodge No 3546 was pleased to host the very special presentation of a 54-year membership certificate to W Bro Philip Levy, LGR at Freemasons’ Hall. The certificate was presented by W Bro Sanjiv Gohil PSGD, Metropolitan Grand Inspector, who expressed warm thanks to Philip for the loyalty and support he had given the Craft over more than half a century. Sanjiv entertained those present with a summary of news events from the year of Philip’s birth; and then provided a resume of his career as a barrister and his very considerable record of Masonic service including three terms as Worshipful Master. Nowadays, Philip keeps the lodge entertained with his keyboard playing, often accompanied by inventive (and sometimes irreverent) versions of the Master’s Song.

The Lodge was called off for the presentation, so that family and other guests of the Lodge could witness the presentation. Later, 32 Brethren and guests enjoyed a generous white table in the Old Board Room at Freemasons’ Hall.

Lodges under the Morley Inspectorate raise Up Against Time funds

On Wednesday 22nd May, the Morley Inspectorate held a Charity dinner in aid of the “Up Against Time” London Air Ambulance appeal. The event was 72-persons strong, who were entertained by four very special speakers at the Hercules Pillars.

The event started with a talk on “Freemasonry & the Development of Forensics” by W. Bro Mike Neville before the dinner, which was opened by RW Bro Christopher Hayward at 7.00pm. We were then delighted to hear a talk from one of the original London Air Ambulance Pilots, W Bro Richard Shuttleworth, followed by a motivational speech from Lord Lingfield.

The evening was rounded off in fine style by our special guest, W Bro Jim Davidson.

Overall, with the donations made by the Lodges who were present at the event plus the monies pledged at the auction, a final total of £11,799.00 was raised. A big thankyou to W Bro Keith Knowles, Kaan and his amazing team at the Hercules Pillars for providing a first class setting and dinner; also to W Bro Kevin Morrell, our Inspectorate Deputy Adjutant who organised the whole event. Without them, the dinner would not have been nearly so much of a success. A great night was had by all!

Broomwood Lodge Celebrates Centenarian Master-to-be

A special event was held at the Imperial War Museum, Duxford to mark the 100th birthday of one of Broomwood Lodge No 6060’s longest serving members.

W Bro Frank Headington SLGR trained with Bomber Command during World War II and was even briefly posted at Duxford, so it was the perfect venue to host the occasion.

The evening began with a drinks reception under the wing of Concorde. The Brethren and guests were at liberty to look around the magnificent aircraft, including the legendary Lancaster and Vulcan bombers, before enjoying a 3 course dinner in a suite overlooking the runway.

Frank was born on 29th March 1924 in Barkingside, Essex and served as an Air Bomber in the RAF during World War II. He married Dolly in August 1946 and had three daughters – today he has seven great grandchildren. Frank enjoyed golf, ultimately becoming Chair and then President of Addington Palace Golf Club. His other great passion is Freemasonry. He was initiated into Broomwood Lodge on 15th March 1969, serving as Worshipful Master in 1977, 2006, 2010, 2019 and 2020. He is also Master Elect of the Lodge for the coming year and will be installed once again in September; making him possibly the oldest Worshipful Master to be installed.

The Duxford evening was very well supported by the Lodge members their families and friends. It was also attended by W Bro Gus Machado, Metropolitan Grand Inspector, and his wife Michelle. W Bro Gus presented Frank with a letter from the Metropolitan Grand Master, Sir Michael Snyder, congratulating him on his 100th birthday as well as his being 55 years a Freemason. He also expressed his thanks to Frank for his commitment and work for both Broomwood Lodge and Freemasonry in general.

60 years to Country and Craft for Brig Willie Shackell CBE

Many congratulations to RW Bro Brig Willie Shackell CBE, PSGW PGSec, who was presented with a 60 years Long Service Certificate by RW Bro Christopher M Hayward PJGW, Deputy Metropolitan Grand Master, at the Quarries Lodge No 5608 on Saturday 27th January 2024.

RW Bro Brigadier William Edward Shackell CBE, PSGW PGSec is also Past President of the Masonic Samaritan Fund and Past President of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution. But to the Quarries Lodge, he’s Bro Willie.

His Masonic journey started when he was Initiated into Quarries Lodge 5608 on 14th December 1963; and progressed through the ranks despite army work taking him away to seventeen homes in eighteen years!

During the Gulf War, he was responsible for the Army’s Welfare, Conditions of Service and Casualties Procedures, receiving a CBE for this work. After retiring from Army life, Bro Willie became involved with SSAFA and other Army Charities. It was not until 1989 that he was Installed as Worshipful Master of Quarries, some twenty-six years after joining, and then in the Chair for a second time in 1995. Bro Willie is currently a member of six Lodges (including his old school lodge, Old Wycombiensian Lodge No 6754).

He has devoted his ample skills to management in Masonry as he did in the Army. As President of the Masonic Samaritan Fund, he played a key role in bringing four Masonic charities together into what is now the Masonic Charitable Foundation. He was also UGLE Grand Secretary from 8th June 2016 to 25th April, 2018. We wish him every continued joy in the Craft.

REACH for Paxton Lodge and friends across London

On 17th February 2024, Paxton Lodge No 1686 hosted seven Entered Apprentices and five Fellow Crafts as guests to its regular meeting; where they were treated to an agenda focused entirely on various learning aspects of the First Degree.

The meeting included a rare and captivating full Explanation of the First Degree delivered by W Bro Perry Dennis, to the pleasure of all 51 Brethren in attendance. These included W Bro Keith Alexander, Metropolitan Grand Inspector, plus 40 guests from many Lodges including eleven Lodges from within Bro Keith’s Inspectorate.

At the meeting, Bro Keith congratulated Paxton Lodge members on their success in hosting the inaugural meeting of REACH Network, a new event sharing/hosting initiative specific to Lodges within W Bro Keith’s Inspectorate, described as “a Masonic social network of mutual support”; whose objective is to share and promote innovative Masonic special interest events to expand visiting activity and hence enjoyment of the Craft.

Paxton Lodge organisers are now looking to further opportunities for the white-aproned Brethren in attendance to build on the links they established at the meeting; including attending each other’s Passings and Raisings. REACH is entirely voluntary; and it is intended that Lodges will become ever more creative in designing attractive meeting formats which draw interest from other participating Lodges.

Another decade for W Bro Boote

On 25th June, Past Assistant Grand Master, RW Bro David K Williamson visited Rahere Lodge No 2546 at Butchers’ Hall, London EC1A; to present a 60 Year Long Service to W Bro John Boote. It was a sincere and entertaining presentation; and completely appropriate given that RW Bro David had presented John with his 50 Year Certificate a decade ago. The affection and respect for John in that Temple was obvious and enormously added to a very special occasion, unlikely to be forgotten by anyone lucky enough to have been there, including former Metropolitan Grand Master, RW Bro Russell Race. The afternoon concluded with an exemplary Installation of Bro Julius Bourke as Worshipful Master and a sumptuous dinner held within Butchers’ Hall.

A triple-50 thwarted but brotherly love remains

W Bro Geoff Davies SLGR, Secretary, Philanthic Lodge No 3032 writes

On the 24th April 2024, Philanthic Lodge No 3032 celebrated the presentation of two 50 Year Service Certificates to two of its worthy Brethren, W Bro Graham Baker and W Bro David Bates.

Their regular meeting had originally been planned to include a triple presentation, so that W Bro John Green could also receive his 50-year certificate at the same time from W Bro Keith Alexander, Metropolitan Grand Inspector; a rare and unusual event for any Lodge. However, unfortunately Bro John was too poorly to attend. The Lodge is arranging for a few of the members to visit him in the near future to pass on his certificate.

It was, despite this, a fantastic meeting, which also included the Initiation of a new member, Bro Robert Glennon, and was enjoyed by all. Bro Robert says that he immensely enjoyed the ceremony and is hugely interested in what we do. We hope he is looking forward to continuing on a long and rewarding journey in Freemasonry.

University Scheme success for Skelmersdale

On 2nd May, Skelmersdale Lodge No 1658, a Universities Scheme Lodge, met at Mark Masons’ Hall for the Installation of Bro Oliver Miller, the first member who had joined through the Universities Scheme to ascend to the Chair of King Solomon. A wonderful celebratory dinner was enjoyed within Mark Masons’ Hall.

Reintroducing Royal Arch with theatre

On 13th March, at Croydon Masonic Centre, Dalston Lodge No 3008 received a visit from Metropolitan Grand Inspector W Bro Keith Alexander, who witnessed a presentation of “Talking Heads – The Next Step: Into the Royal Arch” a playlet given by three approved presenters – in this case W Bros Robert Anderson, John Buckingham and Chris Stewart – with an opportunity afterwards for questions and answers.

Developed by Metropolitan Grand Chapter, it introduces the Royal Arch to new Master Masons or indeed re-introduces the Order to Craft Masons who might have been members, or used to go, but who found it difficult to understand and perhaps lapsed.

It covers the history of the Order, its close links to the Craft and why the Royal Arch is the climax and completion of pure antient Freemasonry. It also discusses the time and financial commitments involved in being a member, and how to discover more and find a Chapter to join.

This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 55 Summer 2024 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons – Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.

Read more articles in the Arena Issue 55 here.